Friday, January 12, 2018

1/12/2018 Fourth Grade

Dear Fourth Grade Families,
It has been a long time since we have been able to do a fourth grade meeting and write a blog!  We hope you had a wonderful break and survived that cold snap.  Here is an update:

Humanities:  We finished our historical fiction narratives, set in Vermont, that continued on with the next chapter of Cave of Falling Water that we read.  We are continuing to focus on Vermont, and are working on summarizing stories.  We are using the read aloud, How Tia Lola Came to Visit Stay to practice this strategy.  This book is also set in Vermont and follows a family from the Dominican Republic, who move to Vermont from NYC. 

Upcoming Dates:
1/15  No School


High-  Ms. Maroney checked my saxophone and it can be played, we got to go out and use the sleds, yesterday Mr. Currier let me use his shows
Low- forgot my shoes both PE days
High- Almost done with ABC book pics, I got to do hockey in PE and we won 2-1
Low- On the sled I crashed
High- We are done with our roller coasters, we finished for 20 stickers and get to do gymnastics
Low- we almost didn’t finish our roller coasters
High- we got to go outside and have good weather
Low- my team lost in hockey
High- we got all 20 stickers and are doing gymnastics and the ropes, abc books
Low- no extra outdoor recess
High- we played PIG and I won all of the times
High- recess
Low- recess today being indoors
High- we got 20 stickers in PE
Low- it’s pouring
High- it’s raining out
Low- no extra recess
High- we practiced a little bit of hockey
Low- no hockey game and no 20 stickers
High- it’s Friday
Low- It’s supposed to rain all day so no outside
High- we are doing ABC books
Low- we didn’t play hockey
High- It’s been outdoor recess and we got to sled
Low- we had to switch from extra recess because of the rain, no hockey in PE
High- We found milky way candy online when making our ABC books
HIgh- it’s raining
High- we did Mrs. White’s challenge and made all the abc animals baby animals
Low- done roller coasters
High- orchestra is today, we had outdoor recess for most of the week
Low- no outdoor recess today
High- we were able to take the sleds out, indoor recess
Low- we can’t go outside for extra recess
High- Indoor recess
Low- I have to do math instead of the board games with Mrs. Locarno, it’s Friday and I don’t want to leave you guys for the week yet
High- almost finished my ABC book
High- I am doing computer games
High- we took the sleds out, we earned our twenty stickers, we get to do our ABC books, we get to do the ropes in PE
Low- We have to do gymnastics
High- the number of people who worked hard and stayed focus and met the goal on TMP
Low- we aren’t able to acknowledge you by taking you out
Low- the RAIN

High- Personal narratives are done and printed out!

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