Thursday, September 27, 2018

9/27/18 Third Grade


Dear Families,
Happy fall!  We have had a wonderful week of learning in third grade.  Here is what we have been doing:

Reading:  Students are working hard on identifying major and minor characters in our read aloud and their independent reading books.  We will also start discussing character traits.  Students have been working hard on reading responses and in their reader's notebooks.

Writing: Students have been working hard gathering ideas and yesterday we learned how to choose and idea and begin an entry!  We were so proud of how focused our writers were and are excited to continue to work on our entries.

Upcoming Events:
10/4    All School Hike
10/5    No School (Teacher in-service)
10/8    No School (Columbus Day)
10/31  Noon Dismissal

High- I brought paperwork back!  
Low- I lost my field trip paper
High- in elective we did a challenge on the climbing wall
Low- we didn’t get to go to the lower field
High- In elective we got to climb on the taped rocks and had a director and we could only touch those rocks! If we do it Mr. Bent will buy us a Powerade.  I made it to the top of the rope
Low- no lower field
High- We did fun stuff in elective
Low- No lower field
High- Field trip is coming up and I’m excited to see who Students of the Month are
Low- my aunt can’t chaperone
High- we got to climb the rock wall and the rope
High- the field trip
Low- it rained
High- Tomorrow I get to go to the Ainsworth Library
High- we went on
Low- it’s sunny and I like indoor recess
High- the field trip and we wrote in our writer’s notebooks
High- we got to play the percussion instruments and we had fun
Low- we could not go to the lower field
High- the field trip
High- We are going on the hike
Low- we didn’t get to go to the lower field
High- it hasn't been warm
Low- we haven’t been going to the lower field
High- we get to go on the all school hike, I brought my slip in
Low- I have a bad cough
High- we get to go on the field trip and my step mom might be chaperoning
High-I get to be in third grade!
High- We have Mr. Lee!  I was impressed with the work in their writer’s notebooks and reader’s notebooks
Low- Not being able to write the date in the correct place
High- All of the hard work you did yesterday in both reading and writing!

Low- I feel like some kids are still not following morning routines

Thursday, September 20, 2018

9/20/18 Third Grade

Dear Families,
We had a wonderful trip to the Tunbridge Fair last week!  We want to thank our chaperones who spent the day with us.  We appreciate you giving up your day so that our students can participate in this wonderful learning experience!  Here is what we have been up to:

Reading:  Students have all selected 'Just Right' books and are working on building up their reading stamina and responding to what they have read.  We are continuing to sample books from our classroom library so that we can become more familiar with what we have.

Writing: Writers are in the 'gathering ideas' stage of writing.  We are using our heart maps and idea banks to store ideas we may have for stories.

Reader of the Month: We are excited to announce that we have partnered with the Ainsworth Public Library and created a 'Reader of the Month' program.  This award will be given to students who demonstrate the habits of success during our literacy block, show an excitement for reading, and participate during our discussions.  Two students in third and fourth grade will receive this honor each month.  They will be invited to walk down to the library in town with a school staff member, have lunch, do an activity with Ms. Snow (the Head Librarian), get library cards, and check out books.  We would like to announce that this month Logan D. and Collin have been selected!

Upcoming Dates:
10/4    All School Hike
10/5    No School, Teacher in-service
10/8    No School, Columbus Day
10/31  Early Release Day, Teacher in-service PM


High- we got to do our writer’s workshop
Low- Mrs. Franklin isn’t here
High- We have another third grade meeting
Low- Ms. Jesmouth is on crutches
High- excited to go hiking
Low- Ms. Jesmouth broke her ankle
High- The hike
Low- Ms. Jesmouth broke her ankle
High- We are going to go on the hike
High- I’m at school today
Low- it hasn’t been sunny
High- we had a whole third grade math time
Low- it’s not sunny out
High- We have whole third grade math and science
Low- Ms. Jesmouth broke her ankle
High- We are learning about zebras
Low- I lost my all school hike paper
High- I can’t go on the all school hike
High- If we finish paper in math fast enough we get a pizza party
Low- it’s been cold
High- I’m here!  
Low- I left school early yesterday
High- I’m here at school today! And it’s almost the weekend
High- I made it here today
High- We have another whole class math today
Low- I lost my permission slip
High- Going on the hike
Low- it’s not sunny today
High- whole third grade meeting and math
Low- Ms. Franklin is gone until lunch
High- We have third grade math together today,  all school hike
High- We are having an all third grade math
Low- It’s been cold lately
High- The all school hike is coming up and I’m excited to see where we are going, third grade math
Low- Starting to catch a cold
High- Not as hot out
Low- the school store
High- I got to hang out in first and second grade science class
Low- I didn’t get outside all day

High- Working on Idea Banks

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

9/12/18 Third Grade


Dear Families,
We had our Third Grade Meeting a day early because tomorrow, we are headed to the Tunbridge Fair!  This trip has become a Blue Devil tradition and students (and teachers) are very excited to attend.  Here is what we have been doing:

Tunbridge Fair Basics

- Students should dress in layers with comfortable walking shoes.  The grounds can get muddy if there has been a lot of rain so please keep that in consideration when choosing footwear.

- Students are allowed to bring money to purchase food.  Mr. Kinnarney suggests that if students choose to bring money that they bring around $5.

- Students are allowed to bring electronic devices for the bus ride.  Electronic devices should not be used during the fair. 

Third graders have been exploring and getting to know our library.  We have also been reading the first chapter of a new series in our library every day.

We have been busy decorating our writer's notebooks with pictures that inspire stories in our own lives.  We also started our heart maps.  Our focus while we launch writer's workshop is to be generating ideas for our writing and building our writing stamina.

Upcoming Dates:
10/5   Teacher inservice, No School
10/8   Columbus Day, No School
10/31 Early Release

High- getting to do art for the first time
High- the field trip
Low- it keeps raining
High- Going to Tunbridge
High- The Field trip is tomorrow
High- Going to the Tunbridge Fair, elective
Low- it keeps on raining
High- Ms. Franklin is back
Low- it rained
High- going to the Tunbridge Fair
High- Tunbridge Fair
Low- Elective
High- Tunbridge Fair
Low- it rained
High- Ms. Franklin is back
Low- I twisted my knee
High- Ms. Franklin is back
Low- dad is in surgery today
Low- I don’t get to see my counselor today
High- The Tunbridge Fair and my dad’s coming
High- Tunbridge Fair
High- Ms. Franklin is back, the fair, and how cool it has been
Low- I left early and couldn’t look at books
Low- you were gone for a long time
High- Tunbridge Fair
High- Tunbridge Fair and my dad’s coming
Low- Ms. Franklin has been gone for a long time
High- You are back!
High- Having art
Low- we can’t start decorating until next week
High- Ms. Franklin is back, Tunbridge Fair
Low- it’s cold in the morning
High- Ms. Franklin is back and we are going to the Tunbridge Fair
Low- It’s starting to get cold
High- You are back
Low- I’m missing the field trip
High- You are back and Tunbridge Fair is tomorrow
Low- you were gone 3 days
High- I’m back!
Low- I was away for 3 days

High- How well all the classes did with Ms. Franklin being away for 3 days!

Thursday, September 6, 2018

9/6/18 Third Grade


Dear Families,
What a wonderful start to our school year!  We are so excited about this inquisitive and energetic group.  Each week, on Thursday, we come together as a whole group for, "Third Grade Meeting".  During Third Grade Meeting students share their 'highs and lows' of the week.  We type them up and publish them at the end of the blog with a photo.  It is a great way to talk to your child about things they have done in school that week.  You can register to receive email updates when we publish our blog by clicking on the orange button on the 'subscribe' button to the right of the blog.  We also publish the link on our Facebook page. 


Writing:  We worked on a project called, "The Best Part of Me".  Students did an AWESOME job reflecting and writing on the best part of themselves.  These will be on display at Open House.  We will begin Writer's Workshop on Friday.

Reading:  We have started learning about our classroom library.  Students will begin exploring it more as well as learning how to select books.

Important Dates:
9/6   Open House
9/13  Tunbridge Fair Field Trip


High- The Best Part of Me
Low- Too hot to enjoy recess
High- Hopes and Dreams
Low- The heat
High- I’m really excited for Open House
Low- it’s so hot
High- Excited about field trip
Low- I’m scared that it will be hot on the field trip
High- Field trip
Low- the heat
High- Field trip
Low- it’s hot
High- hopes and dreams
Low- it’s hot every day
High- Seeing all my friends and the field trip
Low- it’s hot
HIgh- Seeing all my friends again
Low- it’s hot
High- the field trip
Low- its hot
High- the field trip
Low- the heat
High- Excited for Open House
Low- the heat
High- the field trip
Low- the heat
High- excited for Open House, the popsicles
High- Open House, popsicles, playing with my friends
Low- the heat
High- Open House and the field trip
High- The field trip
High- Open House
High- It’s cooling off
Low- it was hot this morning
High- Open House
High- The Best Part of Me
Low- the heat
High- Minecraft book from the library
Low- we could only take one book out
High- Open House and popsicles
Low- lost my field trip paper
High- popsicles, Open House and Field Trip
Low- the heat
High- The field trip
Low- it’s hot