Thursday, September 26, 2019

Third Grade 9/26/2019


Dear Families,
Here is a classroom update:

Writing:  We are continuing to add entries to our writer's notebooks and learn about strategies good writers use.  This week we focused on precise verbs.

Reading: We are building our reading stamina!  Students are working hard to stay focused on their 'Just Right' books during our literacy block.  We have been conferencing with students to learn more about them as readers.  We will begin guided reading groups soon.

Upcoming Dates:
10/4    All School Hike
10/14  No School
10/18  No School, Teacher inservice/conference day
10/31  Early Release Day


High- we are making robots in elective
Low- we couldn’t do it
Low- in PE this week we didn’t get to go outside and do the scavenger hunt
High- we got to do elective and log on to our computers
High- we traced leaves in elective and are going to paint them
Low- we didn’t use the watercolor pencils
High- at morning recess my sisters friends and I hang on the bars
High- I get to come to school to learn
High- we were going to start a little more of the guitar
Low- we had to put the guitars away
High- I got to jump on the big arch bar
Low- recess, I didn’t have enough time to play with my friends
High- we learned a new MIT activity
High- we learned about rice
Low- I am hoping to learn new MIT activities
High- we started the acoustic guitars in Rock Band 101
High- we got to start guitars
High- we had Ms. Krystle for elective
Low- I don’t know when we will be switching electives
High- everything
High- I have new teachers
Low- Mr. Bent is not here
High- I am excited for read aloud
Low- Math test
High- hike is coming up and it’s my birthday
High- I learned the c, g, e minor cords on the guitar
High- the hike is coming up
Low- I miss Mr. Bent
High- The hike is coming up
High- Getting into a good routine
Low- I was out twice this week
High- I enjoyed being Ms. Franklin
Low- I am out this afternoon

Thursday, September 19, 2019

9/19/19 Third Grade


Dear Families,
What a wonderful week we have had!  We are well underway with our ELA classwork. Here's an update:

Reading:  Students have learned all about our classroom library and have started conferencing with us and selecting independent reading books.  We are currently 'sampling' the books during read aloud by reading the first couple chapters of the various series in our library.  This has helped students select their independent reading books.

Writing:  We have worked hard to fill our Idea Banks and learned how to choose an idea, rehearse, and start an entry in our Writer's Notebooks.  Students will be working on their writing stamina as they continue to add entries to their notebooks.

Upcoming Important Dates:
10/4     All School Hike
10/8     Picture Day
10/10   Open House/Harvest Dinner


High- building boats in science
High- we got to read independently
Low- we haven’t gotten to do music yet this week
High- yesterday was elective
High- we got to read independently
Low- we can’t talk at all during MIT
High- we got to finish our boat
Low- I didn’t get to conference with a teacher yet
High- I really like using squishy sand and rice
Low- we haven’t gotten a new MIT activity
High- we did how many pennies can fit on your boat and I did the most which was 66
High- I really like the elective group
Low- I didn’t get to choose a book yet
Low- the book I read was too easy
High- Mrs. White got to be in our class to teach a little bit
High- we get to build a boat in science
Low- Mrs. Franklin was gone that day
High- we got to build boats in science
High- we got to build boats in science
High- we got to build boats and mine was the second most filled with pennies at 49
Low- Mrs. Franklin was gone a little bit of the day yesterday
High- Coming to school and seeing all of you
Low- Mrs. Franklin was gone half of the day and the whole day yesterday and Mrs. T was gone
High- going to snack yesterday
High- Learning number 5 in science which is math
Low- the tetherball snapped off
High- I am at school
Low- Mrs T and Ms F were gone
High- I almost have a full sticker chart
High- I have a full sticker chart and only need 2 more stickers to get another one
Low- no book check out
High- school store
Low- being out at a conference one day
High- Seeing you fill your idea banks
Low- being out at a conference one day

High- how well the class was when the teachers were out

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

9/11/19 Third Grade

Dear Families,
There has been a lot of excitement in the air with our trip to the Tunbridge Fair happening tomorrow! That was certainly a popular 'high' this week. Here is what we have been up to...

Writing: We have decorated our notebooks and have moved into the 'gathering ideas' portion of the writing process. We completed a heart map of things that are near and dear to our hearts. We are also getting ideas from connections we make to other authors' works.

Reading: We have started using our reader's notebooks to respond to texts. Students will begin learning more about our classroom library and how our literacy block works.

Upcoming Dates
9/12  The Tunbridge Fair


High- we acted like we were floating away in our hopes and dreams
High- I have a full sticker chart
High- I am so excited for the fair
Low- my mom might not be able to come
High- we are going to the fair tomorrow
High- we are going to the fair tomorrow
High- we are going to the fair tomorrow
High- Mr. Maloney decorated his classroom
High- we are going to the fair
Low- I miss my old teachers
High- the fair
Low- I am not learning new stuff in math
HIgh- my mom is chaperoning the fair
High- the fair
Low- I was late this morning
High- the fair
High- the fair
HIgh- the fair
Low- my mom can’t come
High- my mom is chaperoning the fair
Low- we don’t get to go on rides
High- I finished one whole sticker chart
High- I get to go to the fair and see the muskets
High- I am excited to eat french fries at the fair
High- I get to go to the fair
High- I like the cotton candy at the fair and I get to see the pig races
High- we go to the fair and my mom is coming
High- Eating a big pickle at the fair
Low- my mom can’t make it but my dad can
High- the fair and eating cotton candy
Low- I miss my old teachers
High- we get to sit with our friends on the bus at the fair
High- the fair
Low- my mom can’t chaperone
High- the fair
High- the fair
High- I like the new PE teacher
Low- I miss my old teachers
Low- i’m having a hard time making friends at school
High- I have learned everyone’s names
High- the fair
Low- reader’s notebooks yesterday 
High- watching you all decorate your writer’s notebooks

Low- reader’s notebooks yesterday

Thursday, September 5, 2019

9/5/19 Third Grade


Dear Families,
We hope you had a great long weekend!  Here is what we have been up to:

Writing:  We have started our writer's workshop!  Students started by learning about what we will be learning about during our workshop.  They also learned more about how we will use our writer's notebooks as tool for becoming a better writer. 

Reading:  We are using our reading time to learn about our classmates.  We have been reading "Guess Who" papers and trying to use the clues to see which classmate it is.  We will begin reader's workshop next week.

Upcoming Dates:
9/12     Tunbridge Fair


High- in elective we did a funny activity with a robot stacking cups
High- I had fun learning in math
High- after school I get to walk home
High- I get to do some music with Miss Maroney
Low- No computers at indoor recess
High- we went to science 
High- I got to paint rocks in nature art
Low- I didn’t get to do indoor recess
High- wellness with Mr. Smoller
Low- we haven’t had art
Low- I don’t know why the other teachers don’t change
High- science class
High- we built card towers
High- we got to watch a movie for indoor recess
Low- we didn’t finish it
High- I have great teachers in third grade
Low- my tower didn’t work out building the cards
High- science
Low- it didn’t work out so well when I built my tower
High- watching the movie at indoor recess
Low- I forgot to bring my water bottle home
High- We are doing rock band with Miss Maroney
Low- we didn’t finish
High- math
Low- no computers yet
High- science, doing the cards
High- I got to play with my friends
HIgh- In science we learned about spinosaurus
High- at indoor recess I played yahtzee
Low- I forgot my water bottle
High- I built an army castle during indoor recess
High- seeing all the new teachers
Low- Mr. Bent is gone
High- learning about spinosaurus
Low- I forgot my water bottle
High- We did rock painting in elective

High- I finally remembered my water bottle
High- I played with magnets at recess
High- I get to work with all of you great kids this year!
Lop- I miss my daughter
High- Miss Renee has joined us
High- how many kids participated in High/Low today!
Low- indoor recess