Friday, June 8, 2018

Dear Families,
It's hard to believe that after two school years with your students, we will be sending them off to fifth grade!  This is a very exciting time for fourth graders.  There is already a lot of buzz about possible Capstone topics and other special 'fifth grade' activities!  While we are sad to have them leave, we know they are ready for this exciting year!  With field trips and Capstone projects we did not have much class time with fourth grade.  Here is their high/low list and pic :)


High- we played horse in PE, it’s beautiful out
Low- it rained all week, I didn’t go to the BBQ
High- I got to show my presentation to Kindergarten and my family
Low- I have violin so no recess today
High- We had the BBQ, we get to hang out with Kindergarten and teach them about tsunamis, volcanoes and earthquakes
Low- My basketball team can’t leave early
High- The blood drive was a success, I showed the kindergarten my piece
Low- some people couldn’t donate
High- I get to go to McDonald’s for lunch
Low- I can’t get on the monkey bars
Low- I had ot leave the bbq early
Low- it’s been raining and cold all week
High- I finished my natural hazard research
High- We got to present to kindergarten and they really liked them
Low- we missed PE yesterday
High- We had the bbq, I have flute
Low- the day isn’t over yet
High- we are watching the Lion King in music, Caws for Paws
High- Caws for Paws on the intercom at the bbq, the bbq, we erupted my volcano
High- we spoke on Caws for Paws, we watched the Lion King in music, the bbq
Low- wish the day was over
High- there is one more week of school
Low- no recess for the rest of the year, I had pineapple not orange for snack
High- I got to erupt my volcano, today we presented to kindergarten
High- I have wacky hair today
High- We had the bbq last night
High- it’s Friday, I finished my science project
Low- the day is not over
High- no PE this week, we got to watch the Lion King

Low- not a lot of active stuff in class this week, we are moving

Third Grade 6/7/2018

Dear Families,
It is hard to believe that we are moving into the final days of the school year!  Thank you to everyone who was able to attend the end of the year BBQ.  It was so nice to see so many families celebrating all of the learning that has occured this school year. 

Humanities: This week was mostly a catch up week preparing for the Celebration of Learning.  Students used a lot of their ELA time to write science reports and finish math ABC books.  We did finish Track My Progress testing and are starting a quick unit on mystery books.

Upcoming Dates:
6/12 - Step Up Night
6/14 - Wellness Day
6/19 - Last Student Day (Noon Dismissal)

High- the BBQ
Low- not having friends in my group
High- the field trip, the fifth grade field trip, Liam’s Capstone
High- the field trip
Low- art
High- the field trip
High- ben and jerry’s
High- ben and jerry’s
High- ben and jerry’s and rock of ages
High- Rock of Ages and Ben and Jerry’s and Capstone
High- everything
High- Rock of Ages
High- Ben and Jerry’s and Rock of Ages
High- Ben and Jerry’s, Rock of Ages, and I am getting a lot of yesses!
High- the field trip, finishing science paper
High- the field trip
High- the field trip
High- the field trip
High- the field trip
High- Rock of Ages
High- Running at recess
Low- Crying in class
High- Playing outside with the lambs
Low- getting zapped by electric fence
High- getting ice cream
High- the field trip, working with Miss Pam

Low- Mrs. Franklin being out

Friday, June 1, 2018

Fourth Grade 6/1/2018

Dear Families,
We have had a very productive, hot, week!  Here is what we have been doing...

Humanities:  We finished We Can't All be Rattlesnakes!  Students are engaged in projects they have chosen to demonstrate their learning.  Some students are creating glossaries, some are writing stories that extend the book, and others are using the vocabulary we have learned to complete a cross word.

High- we did the play Annie and we get to throw waterballoons
Low- having to wear make up for the play
High- the acknowledgement is today
Low- we aren’t allowed to use hot glue and I didn’t bring extra clothes
High- the acknowledgement
High- acknowledgement
Low- no math
High- acknowledgement
Low- I wore my bathing suit for no reason
High- acknowledgement, Girls on the Run 5k
Low- We have to get up 6am
High- it’s friday
Low- I’m wearing long sleeves
High- I did Annie and will this weekend
Low- Someone took our buckets for the play
High- the play Annie, SBAC acknowledgement
Low- someone took my bucket for Annie, wearing make up, people forgot their lines, no practice today
High- acknowledgment today
Low- I didn’t get to see Annie
High- acknowledgement, it’s warm
High- it’s Friday, I traced teh world for my tri fold
High- It’s Friday!  I’m doing a physical model
Low- I haven’t been able to start it because I’ve had to make a lot of edits
High- it’s Friday
High- we have almost 60 people for the blood drive and I get to be there the whole time!  
Low- it’s really warm
High- it’s Friday
High- the fan is on
Low- someone is lying about something that is happening
High- it’s Friday, fan is on, the acknowledgment
Low- I tripped and hurt my leg, a ball hit my leg, someone hit my toe
High- I have the 5k tomorrow, I’m going shopping after school, I get to leave at 12
Low- the heat
High- It is Friday so my brother is coming over, we are taking out reading TMP
Low- at recess there were kids lying about stuff on the playground
High- we are doing TMP in math and reading
Low- someone tapping feet at math
High- I remembered my violin and the fan is on
Low- I don’t know if we have violin
HIgh- excited about 5k Saturday, reading TMP
Low- people aren’t being kind, I don’t want GOTR to end
High- super pleasantly surprised with your projects you chose for our unit ending

Low- too hot