Thursday, February 1, 2018

2/1/2018 Third Grade


Dear Families,
Here is an update on our week!

Reading:  We are continuing to work on nonfiction.  Students had the opportunity to be an 'expert' and teach another group about what they have learned.  They practiced using gestures and an appropriate voice tone and level.  They did an awesome job!

Writing:  ALL students have completed their shoe pieces and they are currently on display in our hallway!  We will be moving into identifying various types of writing and practicing writing in the different forms with the same topic.

Upcoming Events:
2/9  Early Release Day


High- doing the sketch thing in art
Low- the cold
High- Being Student of the Month
Low- being sick
High- the ice and snow going away
Low- we can’t go down the hill for recess
High- fitness in PE
Low- the bus
High- doing blue jays and cardinals in art
Low- not having much time to read
High- going to the PE room
High- PE, bucket drumming at elective, PE again today :)
Low- bucket drumming was loud
High- we are going to do a lot more of the things Mr. Currier had hung up for PE
High- playing kickball at recess and the climbing wall at PE
High- playing kickball and climbing on the ropes in PE
High- Art
High- having PE
High- Running in PE
Low- pinching in music class
High- watching you work collaboratively with your nonfiction reading partners
Low- it’s been very icy
High- I got to go to PE on Monday
Low- third grade had a tough music class with Ms. Maroney
High- Tanner sharing a high and a low
Low- I have a large group of students not being responsible with their red folders and in the coat area
High- everything
Low- kickball

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