Friday, March 17, 2017


March 17, 2017

I guess the groundhog was correct because we received a LOT of snow!  We hope you were able to enjoy our unexpected days off.  Students came back to school yesterday ready to learn!  Here is what we have been up to:

Reading:  We have started examining non fiction texts!  Students have been comparing fiction and non fiction and identifying non fiction text features.

Writing:  We are starting to brainstorm our favorites in order to find topics we are passionate about.  We will be moving in to writing opinion pieces based on these topics.

Upcoming Dates:

March 22nd:  Early release day
March 31st:  All School Morning Meeting
March 31st:  March Acknowledgement (Swimming/basketball at VTC)


High- building a wall that holds back water in science!
High- build a levee and use budget cards
High- building a levee in science
Low- we are doing cursive
High- I passed Track My Progress
High- doing cursive
High- we climbed in PE
High- engineering in science
High- building a levee
High- doing cursive
Low- I have to catch up on cursive
High- I am getting better at cursive
Low- lots of kids did not do their homework
High- I did 1,700 jumps for Jump for Hearth
High- building a levee
High- learning cursive
High- The ice cream party and building a levee
Low- I forgot my homework
High- Ice cream sandwich and extra recess
Low- I was sick all week
High- cursive
Low- I had trouble with my r’s
High- cursive
Low- I forgot my homework
High- I got my ticket from Mrs  Gingras
Low- still snow on the ground
High- My new job chart!
Low- People that worked ahead on cursive and trained their brains to do the letters wrong
High- watching kids improve on their cursive

High- watching kids keeping themselves in the green zone during cursive

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