Friday, February 17, 2017



What a fun week we have had!  It started with a surprise snowday that led to lots of recess fun in the fresh snow!  Here's an update as to what we have been doing:

Reading:  We were joined by author John Churchman on Thursday.  Students were excited to learn that his wife, and co-author, graduated from Williamstown schools!  They were able to pick out two new books to take home.  We have continued to read and study folk tales with a focus on fairy tales this week.  Students have been meeting in book groups that focused on folk tales as well.

Writing:  Students learned how to insert photographs into their writing pieces and have published their final drafts of their shoe pieces.  Next week, we will share our writing!

Upcoming dates:

2/24 All school morning meeting
2/24 All school acknowledgement
2/27-3/3  Winter Vacation


High: we got lots of sugar on Valentine’s day
High: We get to go skiing during PE
High: We are going to go skiing
High: We got a bunch of candy for Valentine’s Day
Low: I got bonked in the head at recess
High: I did 150 minutes on Lexia
Low: I lost my ski pants
High: We are going snowshoeing
High: I was able to sign up for the Bolton ski program
High: Some people chose to bring in healthy snacks at Valentine’s day
High: Valentines and the dog visiting, and going skiing with Mr. Currier and at Bolton!
Low: So much work in school
High: We got a lot of candy for Valentine’s day
High: We did close passages
Low: We had to wait all week to go skiing!
High: I did a lot of Lexia
High: I did 5 hours on my reading
Low: Mrs. Thompson got the nickname queen
High: We are going to go ski
High: That we went to skiing
High: THat we get to go skiing this week

Our silly photo this week is a special shout out to Mrs. Mascitti who did not see her son in last week's pic :)

Thursday, February 9, 2017



Dear Families,
We hope you have had a great week.  Here is an update:

Writing:  Students learned how to create a Google Doc and have typed their descriptive writing pieces!  Today we will learn how to insert pictures to support the writing!  We are so proud of the patience and perseverence students showed while learning these new skills.  We all know that at times technology can be frustrating but they had wonderful attitudes!

Reading:  We continued reading folk tales by focusing on tall tales.  Students also met in reading groups to read and discuss a folk tale.

Important Dates:

2/10/17  No School for students
2/14/17  If students choose, they can bring in treats or cards for classmates (please refer to note sent home)


Low- I didn’t turn in my reading log
High- In math class we are working sentence strips for the bulletin board
High- Sentence strips on the math bulletin board
Low- The snow bank shrunk
Low- The fort shrunk outside
High- We have Friday off
High- We still have sledding
Low- I slipped on the ice at recess
High- I turned in my reading log
Low- Didn’t see Mrs. Gingras yesterday
High- we got to go sledding at recess and I didn’t get soaked
High- We have tomorrow off
High- we got to type on the computers
High- We got to type on the computers
High- we got to read Paul Bunyon
High- I got to borrow Milly’s book for my reading log
Low- I didn’t like my math homework
High- We got to use computers
Low- We are not going to be here on Friday
High- Miss Moriah came in for sign language
Low- I had to use my gimme for homework
High- I read Edward Tulane
High- We have no school on Friday
Low- I didn’t finish my reading log

Friday, February 3, 2017


Dear Families,
Happy 100th day of school!  Today students will be participating in various activities to celebrate their successes over the last 100 days.  Look for pictures on both Facebook pages later in the day!
Here's an update:

Reading: We started a unit on folk tales and are analyzing cause and effect as well as trying to identify the moral.

Writing:  We have completed the drafts of our descriptive writing pieces.  Mrs. Moore came in and taught all of our students how to work in Google and create a document.  We are excited to be able to type our final drafts of our pieces!

Important Dates:

2/10 No School for students

High: Getting my homework done
High: It’s going to be the day that we compete for table of 9 in math class
High: We got to go on the computers and type
High: Mrs. Gingras and Mrs. Kauffman are battling for x’s 9
High: I got my math sheet done
High: It’s the 100th day of school and we made a doc!
High: It’s the 100th day of school and Mrs.Debbie is here
High: It’s the 100th day of school
Low: I forgot my reading log
High: it’s the 100th day of school and we made a google doc
High: I’m back from being sick
Low: I was out
High: it’s the 100th day of school and we are doing something fun
Low: I lost my math homework
High: We are battling for table of 9
Low: I was absent for Colby’s birthday
High: Our folktales and how well you have figured out the morals
Low: Lot’s of sick kiddos!
High: We can create docs and are ready to type our writing!
Low: so many sick kids!
High: I get to spend the day with you guys today :)