Dear Families,
Here is a classroom update:
Writing: We are continuing to add entries to our writer's notebooks and learn about strategies good writers use. This week we focused on precise verbs.
Reading: We are building our reading stamina! Students are working hard to stay focused on their 'Just Right' books during our literacy block. We have been conferencing with students to learn more about them as readers. We will begin guided reading groups soon.
Upcoming Dates:
10/4 All School Hike
10/14 No School
10/18 No School, Teacher inservice/conference day
10/31 Early Release Day
High- we are making robots in elective
Low- we couldn’t do it
Low- in PE this week we didn’t get to go outside and do the scavenger hunt
High- we got to do elective and log on to our computers
High- we traced leaves in elective and are going to paint them
Low- we didn’t use the watercolor pencils
High- at morning recess my sisters friends and I hang on the bars
High- I get to come to school to learn
High- we were going to start a little more of the guitar
Low- we had to put the guitars away
High- I got to jump on the big arch bar
Low- recess, I didn’t have enough time to play with my friends
High- we learned a new MIT activity
High- we learned about rice
Low- I am hoping to learn new MIT activities
High- we started the acoustic guitars in Rock Band 101
High- we got to start guitars
High- we had Ms. Krystle for elective
Low- I don’t know when we will be switching electives
High- everything
High- I have new teachers
Low- Mr. Bent is not here
High- I am excited for read aloud
Low- Math test
High- hike is coming up and it’s my birthday
High- I learned the c, g, e minor cords on the guitar
High- the hike is coming up
Low- I miss Mr. Bent
High- The hike is coming up
High- Getting into a good routine
Low- I was out twice this week
High- I enjoyed being Ms. Franklin
Low- I am out this afternoon