Friday, October 14, 2016

What a week!

We were spoiled this week with beautiful fall weather that allowed us to get outside and enjoy snack! Students were especially excited to work on their forts at the lower field during recess.

We are continuing to work on Launching our Writer's Workshop and have been focused on using precise verbs to enhance our writing and make it easier for the reader to picture.  We spent time creating a chart and brainstormed some examples.  They came up with words like "Whooped, hankered, sauntered, galloped, cackled etc."  We will be encouraging students to use precise verbs in their independent writing.

In reading we are continuing with The Twits and using the text to analyze characters.  We have also been analyzing the setting and identifying setting in our independent reading books.  We spent the end of the week reviewing the difference between fiction and non-fiction text.  We encourage you to ask your child to identify whether they are reading a fiction or non-fiction text.

Here are some High/Lows from our all third grade meeting...
High: Coming to school
Low:  My bus was late!

High: Finally getting to play on the lower field!

High: Filling my sticker chart!

High:  I got a 3 on my reading log
Low: My fort kept falling at recess

High: Getting to go to the lower field and build a fort

High: Being able to play soccer down at the lower field

High: I remembered my reading log!

Enjoy the weekend!

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