Friday, February 14, 2025

2/14/25 Third Grade


Dear Families,

Happy Valentines Day!  This is the perfect time to let you know how much we love working with your children!  Here is what we have been up to:


We focused on 'Trickster' tales in reading.  Students wrote about who they thought was the most clever trickster.  We also started looking explanatory writing pieces.  We identified elements of an explanatory piece.

Upcoming Dates:

2/24-3/4  February Break


High- the snow day

Low- waking up early

High- the snow day, lots of snow

High- the snow day

Low- Ms. Franklin was out

High- Valentines Day

Low- a snow day

High- the snow day

Low- Ms. Franklin out

High- being able to hang out with my friends

Low- the snow day

High- coming back to school from being sick

Low- I missed half the week

High- the snow day

High- the snow day, Valentines Day, break coming

Low- Ms. Franklin has been out

High- Valentines Day

Low- hurt myself in PE

High- Valentines Day

Low- Ms. Franklin was out

High- Valentines Day

Low- snow day

High- Valentines

Low- missing basketball at onward yesterday

High- outdoor recess

Low- missing basketball at onward

High- Valentines day

Low- missing onward yesterday

High- Valentines day

Low- no school yesterday

High- the snow day and valentines

Low- being out

High- the snow day

Low- Ms. Franklin is out

Friday, February 7, 2025

2/7/25 Third Grade


Dear Families,
We hope you enjoyed the unexpected snow day yesterday!  Students came back today rested and ready to learn.  Here is what we have been up to:

We have started our Folk Tales unit.  Students are working to identify the problem and the moral in the story.  Also, we have been focusing on suffixes in word study.

Upcoming Dates:

2/12  1pm dismissal
2/24-3/4  February Break

H- friends are in spelling bee
L-  a lot of sickness lately
H- indoor recess
L- waking up early to 
H- snow day and spelling bee
L- I've been sick
H- spelling bee
L- waking up early  for school
H- My grandmas are coming in to do a craft with us
L- been sick
H- indoor recess
L- snowy out
H- new snow to play in at recess
L- K-2 Allied Arts night 
H- snow day
L- the sickness going around
H- I'm in the spelling bee 
L- I'm nervous about everyone watching
H- snow day
L- nervous  about spelling bee
H- snow day
L- so much sickness
H- getting to see my friends at school
L- I was hoping for another snow day
H- watching the spelling bee today
L- not having school yesterday
H- spelling bee today
L- everyone being so sick
H- spelling bee is happening
L- the sickness going around
H- snow day yesterday and the spelling bee is today
H- spelling bee
L- being sick for two days this week
H- spelling bee
L- no school yesterday
H- spelling bee
H- spelling bee today
L- no school yesterday
H- spelling bee and snow day
L- being sick
H- spelling bee day
L- school being cancelled yesterday
H- I'm in the spelling bee
H- snow day yesterday
L- so many kids are sick