Friday, January 17, 2025

1/17/2025 Third Grade


Dear Families,

We hope you all are feeling well!  This was a wild week at WES and we look forward to the long weekend so that people can rest.  Here is what we have been doing:

Literacy:  We wrapped up our non-fiction unit and with so many kids out, we have been focusing on buddy reading and independent reading.  We also focused on suffixes in word study.

Upcoming Dates:


1/27  No School Teacher in-service


High- we did buddy reading

Low- I woke up early

High- we were able to do Fun Friday on Thursday 🙂

High- buddy reading

Low- I wasn’t here on Tuesday

High- buddy reading

Low- my friends have been out

High- I was here for two day

Low- I had to go home early

High- buddy reading

Low- not being here yesterday

High- being here for the whole week

High- finishing a book response

Low- waking up early

High- buddy reading

Low- so many people sick

High- I was here two days

Low- I wasn’t here for two days

High- combining classes

Low- so many people not here

High- buddy reading

Low- waking up so early

High- I was here all week

Low- waking up early

Low- my legs hurt

High- I’ve done over 30 in iready

Low- I had to leave early

High- buddy reading

Low- most of my friends weren’t here

High- finishing nonfiction

Low- not being here

High- buddy reading

Low- not a lot of people are here

High- wrapping up our nonfiction unit

Low- weird absences

High- buddy reading

Low- so many kids out

Friday, January 10, 2025

1/10/24 Third Grade


Dear Families,

We have had a COLD week!  Hopefully we will get outside today.  Here is what we have been up to:


We are continuing our study of non-fiction.  Students have been sorting text features by genre and focusing on the purpose of various features.  We have been doing a review in word study of syllables types.

Upcoming Dates:

1/20   No School, MLK Day

1/27  No School, Teacher in-service


High- indoor recess

Low- tired

High- indoor recess

Low- Mrs. Hermsen is out

High- indoor recess

Low- super cold outside

High- library 

Low- wake up early

High- indoor recess

Low- really cold

High- indoor recess

Low- I am tired

High- indoor recess

Low- wake up early

High- indoor recess

High- library

Low- I was late

High- library

Low- waking up so early

High- being here with my friends

Low- I’m tired

High- being with my friends

Low- indoor recess

High- seeing my friends

Low- not going outside

High- library

Low- indoor recess

High- library

Low- I am tired

High- Mrs. Beaudet is our library teacher

Low- getting over a bug

High- getting to see Mrs. Beaudet, indoor recess

Low- not our normal schedule, I was mixed up! No outdoor recess

High- seeing Mrs. Beaudet, indoor recess

Low- waking up so early

High- getting to pick out books

Low- indoor recess

High- indoor recess

Low- waking up early

High- indoor recess, I can do fun Friday

High- Getting to see my friends

Low- didn’t get to go outside

High- books from library

High- Mrs. Beaudet is our library teacher, we get two books

High- Nonfiction text features

Low- indoor recess

High- Math

Low- Ms. Kendal was out Wednesday

High- read aloud

Friday, January 3, 2025

1/3/24 Third Grade



Dear Families,

Happy New Year!  We were so excited to welcome all of our learners back yesterday.  We had a great day catching up and making goals for 2025.  

Literacy:  We are starting a unit on reading non-fiction texts.  We have been studying non-fiction text features and started reading, Deadly Predators.

Upcoming Dates:

1/20  NO SCHOOL, MLK Day

1/27  NO SCHOOL, Teacher Inservice


High- glad to be back, New Year’s project

High- being back at school

High- going to PE today

High- seeing my teachers and friends

High- seeing my teachers and friends

High- getting to come back to school

Low- no MIT yesterday

High- seeing my teachers again

Low- getting up early

High- coming back to school

Low- I was sleeping so well and got woke up

High- getting to the gym in the morning

Low- getting up early

High- seeing Mrs. Beaudet for library, getting to come back to school

Low- I am really tired

High- seeing Mrs. Beaudet

Low- going to bed early

High- Seeing Mrs. Beaudet

High- seeing Mrs. Beaudet, being back at school

Low- I am really tired

High- I am back at school

Low- I wasn't able to be here yesterday

High- Mrs. Beaudet is back

Low- I am tired

High- getting to see Mrs. Beaudet

High- there is snow, starting all new read alouds

Low- I am tired

High- happy to be back with friends

High- being back with all of you

Low- I am very tired

High- being back 

Low- I am very tired