Friday, February 14, 2025

2/14/25 Third Grade


Dear Families,

Happy Valentines Day!  This is the perfect time to let you know how much we love working with your children!  Here is what we have been up to:


We focused on 'Trickster' tales in reading.  Students wrote about who they thought was the most clever trickster.  We also started looking explanatory writing pieces.  We identified elements of an explanatory piece.

Upcoming Dates:

2/24-3/4  February Break


High- the snow day

Low- waking up early

High- the snow day, lots of snow

High- the snow day

Low- Ms. Franklin was out

High- Valentines Day

Low- a snow day

High- the snow day

Low- Ms. Franklin out

High- being able to hang out with my friends

Low- the snow day

High- coming back to school from being sick

Low- I missed half the week

High- the snow day

High- the snow day, Valentines Day, break coming

Low- Ms. Franklin has been out

High- Valentines Day

Low- hurt myself in PE

High- Valentines Day

Low- Ms. Franklin was out

High- Valentines Day

Low- snow day

High- Valentines

Low- missing basketball at onward yesterday

High- outdoor recess

Low- missing basketball at onward

High- Valentines day

Low- missing onward yesterday

High- Valentines day

Low- no school yesterday

High- the snow day and valentines

Low- being out

High- the snow day

Low- Ms. Franklin is out

Friday, February 7, 2025

2/7/25 Third Grade


Dear Families,
We hope you enjoyed the unexpected snow day yesterday!  Students came back today rested and ready to learn.  Here is what we have been up to:

We have started our Folk Tales unit.  Students are working to identify the problem and the moral in the story.  Also, we have been focusing on suffixes in word study.

Upcoming Dates:

2/12  1pm dismissal
2/24-3/4  February Break

H- friends are in spelling bee
L-  a lot of sickness lately
H- indoor recess
L- waking up early to 
H- snow day and spelling bee
L- I've been sick
H- spelling bee
L- waking up early  for school
H- My grandmas are coming in to do a craft with us
L- been sick
H- indoor recess
L- snowy out
H- new snow to play in at recess
L- K-2 Allied Arts night 
H- snow day
L- the sickness going around
H- I'm in the spelling bee 
L- I'm nervous about everyone watching
H- snow day
L- nervous  about spelling bee
H- snow day
L- so much sickness
H- getting to see my friends at school
L- I was hoping for another snow day
H- watching the spelling bee today
L- not having school yesterday
H- spelling bee today
L- everyone being so sick
H- spelling bee is happening
L- the sickness going around
H- snow day yesterday and the spelling bee is today
H- spelling bee
L- being sick for two days this week
H- spelling bee
L- no school yesterday
H- spelling bee
H- spelling bee today
L- no school yesterday
H- spelling bee and snow day
L- being sick
H- spelling bee day
L- school being cancelled yesterday
H- I'm in the spelling bee
H- snow day yesterday
L- so many kids are sick


Friday, January 17, 2025

1/17/2025 Third Grade


Dear Families,

We hope you all are feeling well!  This was a wild week at WES and we look forward to the long weekend so that people can rest.  Here is what we have been doing:

Literacy:  We wrapped up our non-fiction unit and with so many kids out, we have been focusing on buddy reading and independent reading.  We also focused on suffixes in word study.

Upcoming Dates:


1/27  No School Teacher in-service


High- we did buddy reading

Low- I woke up early

High- we were able to do Fun Friday on Thursday 🙂

High- buddy reading

Low- I wasn’t here on Tuesday

High- buddy reading

Low- my friends have been out

High- I was here for two day

Low- I had to go home early

High- buddy reading

Low- not being here yesterday

High- being here for the whole week

High- finishing a book response

Low- waking up early

High- buddy reading

Low- so many people sick

High- I was here two days

Low- I wasn’t here for two days

High- combining classes

Low- so many people not here

High- buddy reading

Low- waking up so early

High- I was here all week

Low- waking up early

Low- my legs hurt

High- I’ve done over 30 in iready

Low- I had to leave early

High- buddy reading

Low- most of my friends weren’t here

High- finishing nonfiction

Low- not being here

High- buddy reading

Low- not a lot of people are here

High- wrapping up our nonfiction unit

Low- weird absences

High- buddy reading

Low- so many kids out

Friday, January 10, 2025

1/10/24 Third Grade


Dear Families,

We have had a COLD week!  Hopefully we will get outside today.  Here is what we have been up to:


We are continuing our study of non-fiction.  Students have been sorting text features by genre and focusing on the purpose of various features.  We have been doing a review in word study of syllables types.

Upcoming Dates:

1/20   No School, MLK Day

1/27  No School, Teacher in-service


High- indoor recess

Low- tired

High- indoor recess

Low- Mrs. Hermsen is out

High- indoor recess

Low- super cold outside

High- library 

Low- wake up early

High- indoor recess

Low- really cold

High- indoor recess

Low- I am tired

High- indoor recess

Low- wake up early

High- indoor recess

High- library

Low- I was late

High- library

Low- waking up so early

High- being here with my friends

Low- I’m tired

High- being with my friends

Low- indoor recess

High- seeing my friends

Low- not going outside

High- library

Low- indoor recess

High- library

Low- I am tired

High- Mrs. Beaudet is our library teacher

Low- getting over a bug

High- getting to see Mrs. Beaudet, indoor recess

Low- not our normal schedule, I was mixed up! No outdoor recess

High- seeing Mrs. Beaudet, indoor recess

Low- waking up so early

High- getting to pick out books

Low- indoor recess

High- indoor recess

Low- waking up early

High- indoor recess, I can do fun Friday

High- Getting to see my friends

Low- didn’t get to go outside

High- books from library

High- Mrs. Beaudet is our library teacher, we get two books

High- Nonfiction text features

Low- indoor recess

High- Math

Low- Ms. Kendal was out Wednesday

High- read aloud

Friday, January 3, 2025

1/3/24 Third Grade



Dear Families,

Happy New Year!  We were so excited to welcome all of our learners back yesterday.  We had a great day catching up and making goals for 2025.  

Literacy:  We are starting a unit on reading non-fiction texts.  We have been studying non-fiction text features and started reading, Deadly Predators.

Upcoming Dates:

1/20  NO SCHOOL, MLK Day

1/27  NO SCHOOL, Teacher Inservice


High- glad to be back, New Year’s project

High- being back at school

High- going to PE today

High- seeing my teachers and friends

High- seeing my teachers and friends

High- getting to come back to school

Low- no MIT yesterday

High- seeing my teachers again

Low- getting up early

High- coming back to school

Low- I was sleeping so well and got woke up

High- getting to the gym in the morning

Low- getting up early

High- seeing Mrs. Beaudet for library, getting to come back to school

Low- I am really tired

High- seeing Mrs. Beaudet

Low- going to bed early

High- Seeing Mrs. Beaudet

High- seeing Mrs. Beaudet, being back at school

Low- I am really tired

High- I am back at school

Low- I wasn't able to be here yesterday

High- Mrs. Beaudet is back

Low- I am tired

High- getting to see Mrs. Beaudet

High- there is snow, starting all new read alouds

Low- I am tired

High- happy to be back with friends

High- being back with all of you

Low- I am very tired

High- being back 

Low- I am very tired