Dear Families,
It's hard to believe April vacation is already here! We are enjoying the spring weather and have been busy in the classroom. Here is what we have been doing:
Humanities: We are in the middle of our poetry unit! Students have learned seven different poetic forms and have been learning strategies poets use in their writing. We are preparing for our Mother's Day Poetry Breakfast on Thursday, May 11th! Invitations will be sent home today.
Upcoming Dates:
4/24-4/28 April Vacation
5/11 Mother's Day Poetry Breakfast 8-8:40 am
High- the concert, it's almost vacation
Low- we won't see you for a week, we finished A Dog's Life
High- we had Allied Arts Night
Low- we finished a Dog's Life
High- the concert, we finished A Dog's Life
High- the concert, we finished a Dog's Life, we started poetry
Low- we won't see you for a week
High- the concert, we finished A Dog's Life, having the option for morning recess
Low- we won't see you for a week
High- Allied Arts Night, we finished A Dog's Life
High- Allied Arts Night, morning recess after break
Low- we finished A Dog's Life
High- We did a good job on the show, I got a Shout Out
High- it's supposed to be warm for outside recess
High- we are doing poetry
Low- we finished A Dog's Life
High- Allied Arts Night, morning recess after break
High- poetry
High- free draw in art
High- the concert, morning recess after break
Low- We finished A Dog's Life
High- Poetry
Low- I missed the ending of the book
High- Poetry
Low- Ms. Franklin being gone