Friday, April 29, 2022

4/29/22 Fourth Grade


Dear Families,

We have had a wonderful week capped off with a surprise visit this morning from Marcus!  We continue to be amazed at the love and compassion your students have for each other, we are so lucky to work with this caring group.  Here is what we have been up to:

Humanities:  We are studying the Western Region of the United States.  We started the book, We Can't All be Rattlesnakes.  We are also going to begin reviewing a preparing for the upcoming SBAC tests.  

FUNDRAISER:  Starting Monday, 5/2, Baxter and Grady will be selling bracelets for $2/each to benefit Marcus.  They are hoping to use the money to purchase something for him that will help him pass the time in the hospital.  

Upcoming Events:

5/2-5/6      Math SBAC Assessments

5/4             1pm Dismissal

5/9-5/13    Literacy SBAC Assessments


High- Selling bracelets for Marcus and he’s back, mini capstone in science

High- doing Marcus’s bracelets, Mini Capstone, Marcus is back

High- My mom dropped me off

Low - Marcus won’t be here all day

High- Marcus is back!

High- I’m in softball

High- Marcus is back

High- Marcus is back

High- Marcus and Ms. Jesmonth are back

Low- no grapes

High- Marcus is here, starting mini capstone

Low- Marcus wasn’t here all week

High- Marcus is back

Low- ‘Ms. Jesmonth is leaving for surgery

High- so many people wore masks for Marcus

Low- Ms. Jesmonth is leaving

High- Marcus is back and the bracelets

High- Marcus is back

High- Getting to see Marcus and chain reaction machines

High- Seeing you all take care of our friend

Friday, April 8, 2022

4/8/2022 Fourth Grade


Dear Families,

We hope you have had a great week!  The weather seems to be changing and students are enjoying spring.  Here is what we have been up to:

Humanities:  Students have been focused on writing the drafts of their opinion pieces!  They will be doing their conclusions today.  Next week we will be revising, editing, and publishing!  We have also started a new read aloud, How to Steal a Dog.  We are continuing to analyze the various conflicts the characters are facing.  

Upcoming Dates:

4/18-4/22    April Vacation


High- we made a video in music

High- we had free time in science class

High- we made a video in music

High- getting kids back from being sick

High- we had science

Low- no grapes 

High- I got make a model of a green sea turtle 

Low- we had so many kids out

High- everyone is coming back from being sick

Low- Marcus is going to be gone

High- we finished Wally in science

Low- no grapes

High- a lot of our classmates are back

Low- we have music today

High- Mr. Smoller is here today!

Low- Marcus is not going to be here

High- watching the team building games in PE

Low- we are missing so many fourth graders

High- I am so excited to be here and seeing everyone!

High- Opinion pieces

Friday, April 1, 2022

4/1/22 Fourth Grade


Dear Families,

What a week!  We have never been more proud to teach this caring, compassionate, smart, amazing group of kiddos.  They have shown that we are a family that supports each other and cares for one another.  Thank you for allowing us the privilege of working with your children, it means so much to us.  

Marcus Update:

As we mentioned in an earlier email, Marcus shared with us that he is battling a rare form of bone cancer.  A GoFundMe has been set up to help the family with transportation costs, hotels, bills etc.  At this point in time this is the best way we can support them.  If you would like to donate, please click the link below.  At this point, we ask that you respect the family's privacy.

Humanities:  We have been working hard on constructing our opinion pieces this week in writing.  Students have completed an outline and an introduction.  In reading we are continuing to read Wringer and having amazing conversations about the conflicts in the book as well as the text structure.

Upcoming Dates:

4/6             1pm Dismissal

4/18-4/22  April Break

Joke Courtesy of our Fourth Graders:

What did the tree say when he heard it was the first day of spring?

-What a reLEAF

-What's up BUD!