Thursday, March 17, 2022

3/17/22 Fourth Grade


Dear Families,

We have had a wonderful week enjoying the sun and learning lots!  Here is what we have been up to:

Humanities:  We have started a new unit on opinion writing!  We spent the start of the week analyzing the structure of an opinion essay.  Recently, we have been writing about things that we have strong opinions about.  In reading, we are continuing with our read aloud and analyzing conflict within the story.

Upcoming Dates:

3/18  No School


High-  it’s really nice outside, parkour in gym

High- It’s St. Patrick’s day

Low- no grapes

High- We are watching Toto in science

High- making syrup with Ms. Ashley

High- no school Friday

High- doing the mime acting in elective

High- we tasted sap, it’s Thursday

High- It’s a short week this week

Low- no music tomorrow

High- We watched Wally in science, Colton is back

Low- No grapes

High- we were lazy in science, it’s been really nice outside

High- we are doing parkour in PE

Low- we don’t have school tomorrow

High- in gym I got my cartwheel on the balance beam

High- watching Wally in science, we saw the sled dogs

High- in ONWARD we have been doing arts and crafts, Wacky Wednesday

High- the weather has been amazing and I’ve been loving having parents come inside the school to meet with us!

Low- no grapes this week, missing a lot of kiddos

High- at library book checkout I checked out two books, one was recommended by a fourth grader.  

High- I am loving read aloud and the conversations we have had

Friday, March 4, 2022

3/4/22 Fourth Grade


Dear Families, 

We were so excited to welcome students back to school!  We are back in the routine and excited for our next trimester of learning.

Humanities:  We are currently reading about Phineas Gage.  We are using the book to analyze non fiction text structures as well as analyzing the author's writing techniques.  We are also learning a lot about the brain as we go!  We are also reviewing syllable types.  This week we reviewed closed, open, and the silent e syllables.


High- slime making

Low- I am not allowed to take my mask off

High- no masks!

Low- the girls lost last night

High- No masks!

Low- the girls lost last night

High- no masks

Low- the girls lost

High- slime making, no masks

High- no masks

High- no masks 

High- no masks

High- no masks, short week

Low- Ms. Kauffman is not here

High- a short week

Low- Mrs. White is not here

High- no masks

High- no masks

High- No masks

Low- Ms. Kauffman is not here

High-  We have slime making and PE

Low- WInter Carnival was canceled, no grapes

High- no masks, getting to see smiling faces!  Being back together

Low- Onward difficulties

High- How respectful kids are being about mask choices

High- getting to SEE everyone!