Dear Families,
It's hard to believe that after two school years with your students, we will be sending them off to fifth grade! This is a very exciting time for fourth graders. There is already a lot of buzz about possible Capstone topics and other special 'fifth grade' activities! While we are sad to have them leave, we know they are ready for this exciting year! With field trips and Capstone projects we did not have much class time with fourth grade. Here is their high/low list and pic :)
High- we played horse in PE, it’s beautiful out
Low- it rained all week, I didn’t go to the BBQ
High- I got to show my presentation to Kindergarten and my family
Low- I have violin so no recess today
High- We had the BBQ, we get to hang out with Kindergarten and teach them about tsunamis, volcanoes and earthquakes
Low- My basketball team can’t leave early
High- The blood drive was a success, I showed the kindergarten my piece
Low- some people couldn’t donate
High- I get to go to McDonald’s for lunch
Low- I can’t get on the monkey bars
Low- I had ot leave the bbq early
Low- it’s been raining and cold all week
High- I finished my natural hazard research
High- We got to present to kindergarten and they really liked them
Low- we missed PE yesterday
High- We had the bbq, I have flute
Low- the day isn’t over yet
High- we are watching the Lion King in music, Caws for Paws
High- Caws for Paws on the intercom at the bbq, the bbq, we erupted my volcano
High- we spoke on Caws for Paws, we watched the Lion King in music, the bbq
Low- wish the day was over
High- there is one more week of school
Low- no recess for the rest of the year, I had pineapple not orange for snack
High- I got to erupt my volcano, today we presented to kindergarten
High- I have wacky hair today
High- We had the bbq last night
High- it’s Friday, I finished my science project
Low- the day is not over
High- no PE this week, we got to watch the Lion King
Low- not a lot of active stuff in class this week, we are moving