Tuesday, August 30, 2016

We have had a wonderful first day!  Third graders started their day with an all school assembly.  They were able to meet their new math teacher, either Mrs. Gingras or Ms. Kauffman as well!  We went outside and played a whole group game called, "Zoom" and learned a lot of classroom procedures and expectations.  The first day can be hard for students but this group was outstanding!  We are excited for a wonderful year together!

Tomorrow students will begin their normal schedule which will include science class.  All third graders will be bringing a home-folder home tonight with LOTS of paperwork!  It is very important that the folder be returned to school each day!

Thursday, August 25, 2016

We're back!  We have spent the last week meeting with teachers from our school and around the district.  It is so great to be back at school but we miss our students!  Our classrooms are all set to go and we are excited to begin our year.  Remember that there will be a community breakfast from 7:30-8 in front of the school.  The school day starts at 7:55 am.  Enjoy your last few days of vacation, rest up, and we will see you Tuesday!

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

We had a great morning at the CLiF Storytelling Event!  It was nice to see so many Lil' Devils there enjoying the story and the two free books.  Mrs. Franklin and I are happy to be back at school  again working with students.  We have been spending the afternoons getting our classrooms ready for the upcoming school year!  You will be receiving a letter from us in the mail very soon that will explain third grade in more detail.  Hope you are enjoying your summer!